Tracking page: Hazarajat Under Attack

Tracking page: Hazarajat Under Attack

DEVELOPING EVENT – Last Updated: Dec 18, 2018 Information updated frequently Follow Facebook and YouTube for updated information [IDP videos etc.] Hazarajat Under Attack High level view of the ongoing war imposed on Hazara civilians in Hazarajat region. GHOR Lal wa Sarjangal – assassination attempt on life of Anti-Taliban Hazara commander of Jabha Muqawamat (PMU) […]

Afghanistan: 17 Hazaras beheaded by Taliban in Gizab

Afghanistan: 17 Hazaras beheaded by Taliban in Gizab

Daikundi, Afghanistan – June 30 Are you in the area? If you have more information regarding this news, kindly contact us by leaving a comment on our Facebook page or by Tweeting us. Hazara sources in Daikundi have reported that within a period of two days, Taliban have beheaded 17 Hazara on the road between Gizab and Daikundi.   […]

Hazara Police Chief of Kitti, Daikundi, killed by Taliban terrorists

Hazara Police Chief of Kitti, Daikundi, killed by Taliban terrorists

Daikundi, Afghanistan – Oct 18, 2013 | courtesy: Muzafar Ali Mr. Zamin Ali Hussainyan, Police Chief of Kitti District in Daikundi province, was reportedly killed by an improvised explosive device (roadside bomb) by the Taliban terrorists. The attack happened around 9:00 am local time in Suf Karez village of Kitti District in Daikundi province.   More on […]