Lashkar-e Jhangvi Statement regarding twin-bomb blast targeting Hazaras on
Alamdar Road on Jan 10, 2013
Killed: 108
Injured: 120+
Note: This is a verbatim translation of the LEJ terrorists statement on Daily Qudrat News without any modification to the words.
Quetta (NNI): Banned religious organization Lashkar-e Jhangvi (LEJ) has accepted responsibility of the twin-blast on Alamdar Road. The spokesman for LEJ, Abu-Bakr Siddiq, called print and electronic media on Thursday night from an unknown place to claim responsibility of the attack.
LEJ spokesman said that it accepts responsibility for today's suicide attacks by their mujahideens. First attack was conducted with a suicide vest and second attack was done with a car bomb.
Spokesman said that LEJ had warned the enemies [Hazaras] in 2012 that they should leave Balochistan by the end of 2012. On this warning, many of the enemies fled but some of the enemies love their jobs and properties and remained in Balochistan. Now God willing, LEJ in 2013 will not allow Shias to leave alive. Today's attack was the first in a series of attacks. God willing now we will conduct such spectacular attacks that enemies will not find ways to leave Balochistan [alive]. We LEJ Mujahideens have given everything to God's religion and life for us is only for honor. We prefer martyrdom over lack of honor. Now LEJ gives Shias only one message: Kill or die. Spokesman said that I warn the Government one last time to transfer our colleagues from ATF jail. According to our knowledge, our colleagues there are sick and they are under excessive torture. If our colleagues were not transferred to Hudda jail then our suicide attackers will target ATF jail in Cantt area and along with FC, we will target all the security convoys.
Link to original statement in Urdu on Daily Qudrat (an image of the news has been provided below for easy reference):
