Fri, June 4, 2010 - On Sunday June 13th, 2010, between the hours of 2:00pm – 4:00pm, in front of the Legislative building (Queens Park) in Toronto, Canada, a vast number of Toronto-Hazaras marched in unity to condemn the massacres of innocent Hazara civilians taking place in Behsud and Dai Mirdad, Afghanistan. The event was organized by “Hazara Unity Movement”, which is a newly formed group that consists of Hazara youths. Hazara Unity Movement (H.U.M) composes of bright, strong, and incredibly talented Hazara youth who are passionate and determined to help spread awareness of the plights of the Hazaras in Afghanistan; raising awareness of the discrimination and outright oppression of the Hazaras is essential to help build a strong foundation to fight for justice and equality. H.U.M. is dedicated to unite all Hazaras world wide in efforts to help out the Hazaras in Afghanistan who have been the victims of senseless crimes for hundreds of years.

