M. A. Gulzari | Legendary “Amma Sungari” Progress can be achieved only when each member of the society performs their duty. In different parts of the world people have different ways of living. There are people who lead a comfortable and easy life and then are those who are faced with poverty and drudgery. There are many […]
Diaries of Kandahar (1884 – 1905): HAZARAS In the View of British Diaries This is a small effort towards facts and figures that has been missing since last one century regarding civil war between Amir Abdul Rahman of Kabul (Afghanistan) and Hazaras of Hazarajat (also called Hazaristan in Afghanistan). In this document the British News writers […]
Ishaq Mohammadi – Mar 4, 1999 | Afghanistan is called the heart of Asia, while Bamyan is the heart of Afghanistan due to its rich cultural civilizations and even for its important geographical location. In the ancient times Bamyan was the nearest link road between Central Asia and the Subcontinent. Bamyan has been mentioned in Chinese […]