DEVELOPING STORY – Last Updated: Nov 8, 2018 |
Uruzgan Khas, Hazarajat – October 2018
- Updates posted as it becomes available. For current situation, follow us on Twitter and Facebook
- Readers be aware, it has come to our notice that some images are being mixed from previous attacks on Hazaras or even non-Hazara conflicts (at times). Please flag any erroneous information or images reported here [Respond to Tweets or inbox feedback on Facebook]
Historical Background of Uruzgan conflict
- During 1890s, the Pashtun ruler of Afghanistan, Amir Abdur Rahman, ethnically cleansed nearly 60% of Hazara population, and sold tens of thousands of Hazaras as slaves to defray the cost of their own genocide. The State crafted a policy not unlike that of Nazis for Jews during WW2. The goal was to exterminate the Hazaras, take provinces of historic Hazarajat and resettle them with ethnic kin, the Pashtuns. The method for achieving this was a religious decree labeling Hazaras as ‘Shia Infidel,’ urging Sunni Afghanistan to rise against the ‘Shia Hazaras.’ Throughout 1890s, the Pashtun Afghan State along with Sunni masses carried a blood bath of Hazaras and claimed what remained as spoils of war — Hazara men, women, children, and all their possessions [source]
- Uruzgan was one of the provinces of historic Hazarajat where Hazaras were completely exterminated by ARG (State or the Afghan Presidential Palace). Prior to 1890, Uruzgan was 100% Hazaras. Today few pockets of Hazaras remain, while rest of province is completely and illegally occupied by Pashtun settlers.
PT 1890s-2018: How Pashtun Afghan State wiped #Hazaras from #Uruzgan #Hazarajat & continues to systemically persecute and discriminate against Hazaras to date#TwitterHazaras
— Hazara.Net (@hazaranet) October 30, 2018
Quick Facts: Taliban attack on Uruzgan Khas (Hazara-related only)
- Killed: at least 42
- In Taliban captivity: 6 including 1 woman
- Wounded: at least 8
- Taliban attacks on Hazara villages:
- Uruzgan: Kaarez, Kundlaan, Hamza, O’chi, Hussaini
- Part of Malistan, Ghazni: Gardai Chaman
- Displaced
- Approx 700 families
- At least 150 family reportedly taking shelter on mountains close to Sheer’daagh approximately 25 km from Kundalaan and Hussaini
- Under Siege by Taliban
- Approx 300 house hold
- Taliban Allies
- Foreign fighters of Al-Qaeda + groups under control of Pakistan (Haqqani network)
- Political, Financial and Military: Pakistan, Saudi, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Iran, China and NATO.
- Pashtun nationalist government of Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai. In the ongoing conflict, the Pashtun Government of Kabul has sided with Taliban. The biased VOA Interview (clearly under the influence of Pashtun lobby in Washington) with Anti-Taliban Hazara commander Shujai, presents State’s view that ‘Hazara PMU attacked Pashtun civilians and Taliban came to their help,’ thereby the State has decided to not to interve while blame Hazaras.
- Hazara People’s Mobilization Unit (PMU) led by Commander Shujai with approximately 1500 fighters with really old weapons standing between Pashtun ARG and its’s ethnic kin, Taliban’s total annihilation of Hazaras from Uruzgan.
Donate for Uruzgan Victims
Note: Hazara.Net has no links with any of the organizations listed below. We are only providing this information on an ‘as is’ basis keeping in view of the unfolding human catastrophe in Uruzgan. List will be updated as we learn of other organizations involved in this effort.
What are rights of civilians when a State, Int Community, UN stands with mass-murdering psychopaths like #Taliban, leaving civilians to defend against their onslaught?#TwitterHazaras #UruzganAttack @hrw @amnesty @ResoluteSupport
— Hazara.Net (@hazaranet) October 30, 2018
Massive displacement of #Hazaras due to Taliban onslaught
At least 150 families from Kundalaan + Hussaini villages>>25km over mountains>> Sheer'daghHazarajat has v. harsh winters. Chance of their survival is slim to none.#TwitterHazaras #UruzganAttack #UruzganUnderAttack
— Hazara.Net (@hazaranet) November 2, 2018
Reports indicate dozens civilians killed, 700 family displaced & 300+ households under siege of Taliban. The terrorists hv destroyed farms, houses and markets, & looted the properties of Hazaras in Khas Uruzgan. Security organs have been in silent mode all the time.#Afghanistan
— Arif Rahmani (@arifrahmanii) October 30, 2018
رییس جمهور اشرف غنی جنگ در ولسوالی ارزگان خاص ولایت ارزگان را «منازعهی قومی» خوانده و برای بررسی این جنگ هیأت تعیین کرده است.
— اطلاعات روز | Etilaatroz (@Etilaatroz) November 4, 2018
در پی حملهی گروه طالبان به مناطقی در ولسوالی ارزگان خاص ولایت ارزگان و عدم ارایه معلومات از سوی نهادهای امنیتی در مورد آن، سرور دانش معاون دوم رییس جمهور از مردم ارزگان خاص خواست «قدرتمندانه در برابر تجاوز متجاوزان از عزت خود دفاع نمایند.»#Uruzgan— اطلاعات روز | Etilaatroz (@Etilaatroz) November 1, 2018
Following 1890s genocide of #Hazaras, the Pashtun @ARG_AFG resettled #Uruzgan #Hazarajat w/ethnic kin Pashtun settlers. Thanks to #NATO ARG, #Taliban are trying to wipe pockets of remaining Hazaras in #Uruzgan #Shujai
— Hazara.Net (@hazaranet) October 29, 2018
How #Pashtun news organizations are reporting #Hazaras fighting #Taliban terroristsDuring 1890s, Pashtun Afghan King wiped Hazaras from Uruzgan Hazarajat and settled w/Pashtuns@USEmbassyKabul @USAmbKabul @UKinAfghanistan #NATO @ResoluteSupport
— Hazara.Net (@hazaranet) October 30, 2018
آفرین به وجدان بیدار این هموطن گرامی ما که در برابر قتل عام هزاره ها در ارزگان سکوت نکرده و به موقع مچ آقای برمک را گرفته و ماهیت ستمگرانه حکومت کنونی را افشا و آشکار کرد!#Afghanistan #ارزگان #خاص
— Arif Rahmani (@arifrahmanii) October 30, 2018
In clashes between the #Taliban terrorists and local people and their defenders, 20 people including Fakoori, the deputy commander of people's forces were killed. He died a hero defending his people. May he rest in peace.
— Akram Gizabi (@AGizabi) October 29, 2018
پنجمین روز یورش طالبان به #ارزگان خاص؛ دستکم ۲۰ غیرنظامی کشته شدهاند
— اطلاعات روز | Etilaatroz (@Etilaatroz) October 31, 2018
محمدعلی اخلاقی، نمایندهی مردم غزنی در مجلس نمایندگان میگوید که افراد گروه طالبان از چند روز به این سو بر ساحات «حسینی»، «کندلان» و «حمزه» ولسوالی خاص ولایت ارزگان حمله کردهاند.
— اطلاعات روز | Etilaatroz (@Etilaatroz) October 29, 2018
با آن که سه روز از حمله طالبان بر ولسوالی خاص، ولایت ارزگان میگذرد، اما بخش رسانههای وزارت امور داخله میگوید که معلومات دقیق در رابطه به حمله گروه طالبان بر ارزگان خاص ندارد. نجیب…
— Hasht e Subh Daily (@HashteSubhDaily) October 31, 2018
سخنان #شجاعی درباره آخرین جزئیات جنگ ارزگان خاص: via @sputnik_af #Shujaee #UruzganUnderAttack
Hosnia Aman Nazari
#StopHazaraGenocide (@AmanHosnia) November 2, 2018