Afghanistan - Persecution, ethnic cleansing, genocide, slavery, and discrimination:
- Hazara Slavery after 1890's genocide in Afghanistan - [uploaded: May 17, 2012]

- "Diaries of Kandahar (1884-1905): Hazaras in the view of British Diaries" - British Secret Diaries during Genocide of Hazaras by Pushtun Ruler of Afghanistan, Amir Abdur Rahman Khan [ PDF ]
An estimated 60% of Hazaras were exterminated between 1884 and 1905, and tens of thousands of Hazara men, women, and children, were sold as slaves.
- Massacre in Yakaolang - Jan 2001
- Massacre at Robatak Pass - May 2000
- Massacre in Mazar-e Sharif - Starting Aug 8, 1998
Compilation of reports - by Human Rights Watch, United Nations, and Sunday Times
Eyewitness Testimonies - Interviews conducted by our Sources
- Massacre in Bamyan - Sep 1998 to May 1999
- Massacre in Afshar - Feb 1993
- Habibullah Khan Letter (1904) -
[ Dari | English | Urdu ]
In this letter, Habibullah Khan asks Hazaras to return to Afghanistan who had left to avoid persecution by his father, Abdur Rahman Khan
- Comparison of Fitwas (religious decree) calling Hazaras "infidel" and to be killed
- August 1892 - by Amir Abdur Rahman Khan
- August 1998 - by Taliban
- Taliban Secret Policy against Hazaras - [ JPG ]
This secret order/policy was sent to Taliban field commanders outlining ways to deal with Hazaras. e.g. destroy their cultural heritage, embargo and disintegration of Hazarajat, etc.
- Secret Letter of Mullah Omar to Kuchis - Following Farman (decree) was issued by Mullah Omar to the Kuchis. The origional document was in Pushtu which was ditributed among Pushtoon Kuchis (nomads).
Date of this letter could not be ascertained, however, Mullah Omar is not mentioned as "Amir Ul Momineen", the time frame of this letter is probably around March, 1996 - [ Dari | Urdu ]
- May 12, 2011 (English Translation coming soon)
- Politics and Modern History of Hazaras: Sectarian Politics in Afghanistan - Humayun Sarabi, Fall 2005 -
[ PDF ]
Pakistan - Persecution, ethnic cleansing, and discrimination:
[ more on Persecution of Hazaras in Pakistan ]
View Hazara Killings (Quetta and vicinity) in a larger map
- Pakistan - Hate Leaflet calling Shiites as Infidels - [ JPG ]
2003 - Religious decree (Fitwa) issued by the Salafist (Wahabis) declaring Shia Muslims as "Infidels" and urging followers for taking extreme steps.
List of Pakistani Government Senators and National Assembly Members Supporting Terrorists

[2003 - Religious decree (Fitwa) issued by the Salafist (Wahhabis) declaring Shia Muslims as "Infidels" and urging followers for taking extreme steps]
- Chief Minister of Balochistan Mocks Hazara Victims' families - Oct 4, 2011
people killed in Mastung incident is not such a big deal since Balochistan has population
in crores. I will send a truck load of tissues for the victim’s loved ones to wipe their tears.
If I were not a politician, I would have sent Tobacco instead" -
[ PDF ]
- State Minister of Industries, Dr. Ayatullah Durrani's extremely prejudiced remarks on
Mastung incident - 09/28/2011
"Many [Hazaras] have a hobby to get asylum. They use this [genocide] as a pretext to get
asylum in Australia." - [ PDF ]
- CONFIDENTIAL / SECRET MEMO, Balochistan Govt dated: March 3, 2011
This leaked memo dated March 3, 2011, is from the Additional Secretary (reporting to the Chief Secretary -- the person that is highest civilian authority responsible for every facet of State Govt in Balochistan) to the Inspector General of Police (IG is the head of the entire Police force in the city) and the Commissioner of Quetta (incharge of security).
The memo is a proof that the Pakistani Government knows exactly who the terrorists are, where exactly they are hiding, and who is sheltering them. In the past 10 years of Hazara Genocide, not a single person has been brought to justice by the Government.
[ Click here for copy of memo ]
- BBC: Pakistani Government negotiating with terrorists.
"Punjabi Taliban" receiving technical training from Punjab Govt in two training centers: Technical Training Center, on Fatah Pur Road in Rajan Pur district, and Training
center on LP Road in Bahawalpur. Terrorists receiving Rs. 8000 monthly stipends [ BBC Urdu ] - Sept 29, 2011
- Law Minister, Punjab Govt (Muslim League Nawaz Sharif group) in his 2010 visit to Jhang took banned Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP) leader Maulana Muhammad Ahmed Ludhianvi on a ride in his car - March, 2010

[ Click here to see bigger image ]
[ Sources: One | Two ]
- Lashkar-e Jhangvi Profile
- Lashkar Jhangvi, Al-Qaida affiliate; Sources of finance: Saudi Arabia and wealthy Arabs in the Gulf
The Lashkar Jhangvi terrorist network (mostly responsible for attack on Hazaras and Shias), an affiliate of Al-Qaida, has vowed to continue killing half a million Hazaras in Pakistan.
A few weeks before the massacre, the LeJ had circulated an open letter addressed to Hazaras in Quetta. Written in the Urdu language, the letter stated:
"All Shi'ites are worthy of killing. We will rid Pakistan of unclean people. Pakistan means land of the pure and the Shi'ites have no right to live in this country. We have the edict and signatures of revered scholars, declaring Shi'ites infidels. Just as our fighters have waged a successful jihad against the Shi'ite Hazaras in Afghanistan, our mission in Pakistan is the abolition of this impure sect and its followers from every city, every village and every nook and corner of Pakistan..." [ More ]
[ Original Pamphlet in Urdu ]
- Terrorist master minds mysteriously "escapes" from a high-security jail (Quetta)
Terrorist masterminds Usman Saifullah Kurd, Shafiq Rind, and Dawood Badini -- brother-in-law of Ramzi Yousef (serving life in US), the master-mind of first attack on World Trade Center in 1993, mysteriously "escapes" a high security prison located in the Pakistan Army's Command and Staff College (Army Area). All of these terrorists are still at large and involved in the killings of Hazaras..
- Interior Minister of Balochistan, Mir Zafrullah Zehri - Interview: June 24, 2009)
"...he had clues about those involved in the target killings
but he was helpless" pointing to the powerful elements within the Pakistani Government protecting the terror networks.
- Governor Balochistan, Zulfiqar Magsi - Interview: April 8, 2010
"...police knew each and every thing about the identities and activities of drug peddlers, criminals and terrorists but were unable to take action against any of them"
- Inspector General of Police, Balochistan - Interview: April 8, 2010)
police arrested any criminal, he received calls from high ups for his release."
- BBC Interview (2008) of Baloch leader, Khair Bux Murri, on target killings in Balochistan - [ Urdu / English ] - Mar 12, 2011
- Reasons for the Target Killing of Hazaras in Balochistan, Pakistan [ PDF ] - Aug 22, 2010
- Human Rights Report 2010 - Pakistan - [ English | Urdu ] - Mar 20, 2011
This is the Summary Human Rights Report for 2010 for Pakistan.
- HRW Attacks on Teachers and Schools in Pakistan’s Balochistan Province (DECEMBER 13, 2010) - [ English | Urdu] - Mar19, 2011
This 40-page report documents the killing of at least 22 teachers and other education
personnel by suspected militants between January 2008 and October 2010.
- Human Rights and Democracy: The 2011 Foreign & Commonwealth Office Report - May 2, 2012
"Minority rights:
This year has seen further incidents of discrimination against minorities in Pakistan, including against the Hindu and Hazara populations. In particular, we are concerned about targeted attacks on the Hazara population in Balochistan in the second half of 2011 and the Ahmadi community in Pakistan."
Iran - 800 plus years of Prejudice and Anti-Hazara history:
- A Short History of Hazaras in Iran
- [ PDF ]
"Iranians use
derogatory term ‘Berberis’ i.e. Barbaric, to refer to Hazaras"
- Shia Personal Status Law (aka "Rape Law") - The "Shia Personal Status Law" or the "Rape Law" was passed in a back room wheeling and dealing between President Karzai and the Iranian-backed Shia cleric, Sheikh Mohsini -
[ PDF / DARI ]
- Iranian park declared off limit to Afghans - April 1, 2012
"The Afghans are being prevented from entering the park for the purpose of ensuring security and welfare of the visitors”
[ BBC Persian News | English Translation ]
Afghanistan (General):
Books / Journals / Articles:
[ List of other books on Afghanistan and Hazaras ]
- Nomad Expansion and Commerce in Central Afghanistan: A Sketch of Some Modern Trends by Klaus Ferdinand
(Research and publish date: 1953-55, 1963) [ PDF ]
- Life of Abdur Rahman Khan - Amir of Afghanistan, 1900 - [ PDF ]
- Novel - "A Vizier's Daughter: A Tale of Hazara War" - BY LILLIAS HAMILTON, M.D.,
AMIR OF AFGHANISTAN, 1900 - [ English | Dari ]
- "The inquiry into the history of the Hazara Mongols of Afghanistan" by E. E. Bacon,
USA. 1951. Source: Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, Vol. 7, No. 3, (Autumn, 1951), pp. 230-247;
Published by: University of New Mexico -
[ PDF ]
- OBOK: A Study of Social Structure in Eurasia by Elizabeth. E. Bacon, USA. 1958 - [ PDF ]
- "The Life of Amir Dost Mohd Khan of Kabul with his Political Proceedings Towards The
English, Russian, and Persian Governments, Including The Victory And
Disasters Of The British Army in Afghanistan" by Munshi Mohan Lal. 1846 - [ PDF ]
- State and tribe in nineteenth-century Afghanistan: the reign of Amir Dost Mohammad (1826-1863) by Christine Noelle. (Reprinted: 1997)
- "Narrative of Various Journeys in Balochistan, Afghanistan the Punjab, & Kalat, During a Residence in those Countries" In Four Volumes. Volume 1 by Charles Mason (1844) - [ PDF ]
- Cabool by Alexander Burnes. Austria, 1843 - [ PDF ]
- The races of Afghanistan, Being A brief account of the principal nations
inhabiting that country by
Surgeon-Major Henry Walter Bellew, C.S.I., (1880) - : [ PDF ]
- Hazara Geneology Tree - Tribes and Sub-Tribes -
[ PDF ]
- Genetic Legacy of Mongols - [ PDF ]
- Common Hazara Mongol Words - [ TXT ]
- Common Hazara Turkish words - [ PDF ] - Mar 19, 2011
While Hazara origins still remain unknown, they are believed to be of Turko-Mongol origin. Visit our friends at for the original source and other relevant material